Images of Masculinity: An Oldie, and not a goodie.

I won’t say much about this ad, save that is canonical in terms of aspirational hegemonic white masculinity. Cultural references to it abound, and are deeply embedded.  Sadly, I don’t think much has changed at all……

(pic from the internet)

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4 Comments on “Images of Masculinity: An Oldie, and not a goodie.”

  1. Wes Says:

    Actually you’re right – the acai berry scams and “1 simple trick discovered by a mom” rely on exactly the same level of credulity.

    PBF did a nice homage to this:

  2. Nio Says:

    Old advertisements and stuff like that fascinate me. They had more or less the same messages that they still have today… but in a far more obvious manner that makes me want to laugh and cry.

  3. Erica Says:

    I showed this post to my sister’s boyfriend, Billy. He’s been struggling with body image since he was a preteen (he’s now 28). I know from his story that it can be very difficult for men who are not muscular to think of their bodies positively. Mainly I think this is because men have been portrayed by the media as either “manly” (muscular-build) or “wimpy” (skinny-ish). Billy also tells me that he thinks that the media tends to portray skinny men as being homosexual or being nerdy. Since I am not a man who is concerned about his body, I have not been paying attention well enough to comment on that. Nonetheless, I think advertisements these days have not gotten that much better than this one!

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